Via dell'Artigianato, 47
P.IVA 02738340245
REA 270920 - C. Soc. 30.000
Tel. ++39-0424-411000
Fax ++39-0424-411004
 | NEWS: |
Rectangular section conduits produced by Ecoaria are
realized in accordance to law regulations (UNI in force). |
The longitudinal continuous joining is realized by
means of a snap-lock
seaming or, on riquest, a Pittsburgh seaming,
whereas the transversal joining in realized with tiped
counters profile conveniently welded to the
conduit or with non visible internal junctions. |
stiffining ribs are realized to encrease
the stiffnes of the conduit. |
Clampings and drop suspensions are done
in the best suitable way, upon notice. |
Insulation |
On demand, conduit insulation is realized by means
of appliances of termic and accustic products such as
polyethilene, fiberglass, rock woll, gum, and coupled
products. |
Technical note |
Rectangular conduits are realized with the folowing
materials: |
- SENDZIMIR galvanized steel |
- stainless steel |
- hard copper |
- alluminium