Via dell'Artigianato, 47
P.IVA 02738340245
REA 270920 - C. Soc. 30.000
Tel. ++39-0424-411000
Fax ++39-0424-411004
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Ecoaria produces a set of boxes with
heat regenerators, to be installed inside or outside,
employed in those environmets where the need of air
chenge occures without altering internal temperature.
An alluminium cross flux heat exchanger
and two centrifugal ventilators (one for stale air
outlet and one for clean external air inlet) are employed
in this system.
As showed in the diagram extracted
air heats/cools clean inlet air, to the advantage
of energy savings. The system is complited by
filtering elements, by a collecting and condensate
discharging cistern and an internal deadening
insulation that enables maximum noiselessness.

The installation is very simple because
of boxe's lightness. If mounted on the inside, two
will be the required holes in the wall: one for stale
air outlet and one for external air inlet. External
operating temperature varies between -10°C and
+50°C. A control pannel will be set up in the
room to enable air rate adjustments.
Where maintenance is concerned periodical
cleaning and filter substitution is required. Regenerators
have a long life because composed of non-motion parts
(ventilators excluded).